Back Pain Treatment

Back Pain Treatment in Plantation

Back pain can prevent people from doing what they love, whether enjoying time playing with their grandchildren or simply functionally moving from place to place.

Back pain relief doesn’t have to be a complicated surgery with prolonged recovery, but instead, safe and non-invasive chiropractic treatment. Regardless of the cause or condition, back pain treatment in Plantation is readily available from the professional team at Stumpff Chiropractic.

Struggling with Back Pain

Joint pain woman have problem with neck

Millions of people around the world live with back pain every day. Back pain can impact every aspect of life and radiate to other body areas, including the arms, legs, neck, hands, and feet. Suddenly, even simple tasks like sitting, lifting, standing, or walking can become painful with back pain.  

Don’t suffer in silence with back pain. Many conditions can only worsen with time if not addressed and treated. Always take back pain symptoms seriously and manage the root of the problem with a professional medical team.  

Types of Back Pain

There are three types of back pain defined by the duration of the condition. Back pain will be categorized as:

  • Acute - Usually, acute back pain will occur suddenly and can be connected to a measurable action. Pain can last anywhere from a few days to multiple weeks.  
  • Subacute - Defined as either sudden pain or pain that develops over time, subacute back pain will last between 4 and 12 weeks.  
  • Chronic - Related to several conditions and ailments, chronic back pain can develop quickly or gradually and lasts for more than 12 weeks. 

Common Causes of Back Pain

Back pain is generally connected to either a structural misalignment, inflammatory disease, or chronic disease impacting the bones and muscles surrounding and including the spine. Some common causes of back pain include:
  • Sprains and Strains - Usually a result of an awkward twist or lift, a sprain or strain impacts the soft tissues in the back, including the tendons, ligaments, and muscles. 
  • Degenerative Disc Disease - Over time, degenerative disc disease causes the small cushioning discs between the vertebrae to break down.
  • Herniated Disc - The cushioning disc found between vertebrae will completely compress and trigger the nerves, usually occurring in the lumbar region.  
  • Fracture - Often caused by sudden impact, fractured vertebrae can cause significant back pain.
  • Scoliosis - Irregular spinal curvature, in either an S-shape or a C-shape, can cause back pain. This condition is usually first diagnosed in children.
  • Spinal Stenosis - Back pain is caused by a narrowed spinal column that continues to pressure the spinal cord. 
  • Arthritis - Diagnosed by inflammation and swelling in the joints, arthritis can occur in the spine, causing a significant amount of lingering back pain.  
  • Pregnancy - The developing baby grows and shifts position, causing back pain as the growing baby puts pressure on the lower spine.  
  • Fibromyalgia - A chronic condition that impacts the entire body, fibromyalgia can cause muscle and joint soreness.  
  • Osteoporosis - This chronic disease causes the bones to lose density, eventually leading to weak vertebrae that can easily fracture.  
  • Kidney Stones - Although not related to the structure of the spine or body, kidney stones are painful, causing significant discomfort in the lower back region.  
  • Infection - Depending on the disease, this ailment can cause significant back pain, primarily if the infection is centered in the spine or discs.  
back pain concept

What Are the Symptoms of Back Pain?

Back pain symptoms can vary significantly between people depending on the injury, severity, and the individual. Sometimes a person will feel lingering, ongoing back pain that slowly worsens, while others will feel a sharp, acute, stabbing pain. Many patients report feeling back pain in a single centralized area, while others feel pain and symptoms radiating to other areas of the body like the arms, legs, hands, and feet.  

Common back pain symptoms include:

  • Waves of back pain that come and go
  • Painful back when lifting or twisting
  • Worsening pain after prolonged stationary positions, like sitting or standing
  • Stiffness, especially in the morning
  • Radiating pain extending from the buttocks or hips

In most cases, the pain will subside in two to three weeks. If the pain persists or worsens, it is time to consult a doctor. In addition, severe symptoms such as numbness, tingling, or back pain following a sudden fall are reasons to seek medical advice immediately.  

Who Is At Risk of Back Pain?

Anyone is at risk of back pain stemming from any number of sources. However, certain lifestyle factors can increase your likelihood of developing back pain. Factors that elevate risk levels include:

  • Weight - Those that have recently gained weight, including through pregnancy, are more likely to get back pain as the body grows and changes. Ongoing obesity can strain the soft tissues supporting the spine, contributing to an elevated risk of back pain.
  • Fitness Level - A person who is not physically fit is more inclined to suffer back pain. Weak muscles, especially in the back, can cause back pain due to poor posture and lack of structural support for the spine.  
  • Occupation - Many occupations create high-impact conditions that can damage the spine and discs over time. Sedentary jobs sitting at a desk for hours a day can cause people to develop poor posture, leading to back pain.  

Other factors that can cause back pain are beyond lifestyle choices and are mainly out of your control. Both genetics and age are leading contributing factors to develop ongoing back pain.  

How Stumpff Chiropractic Can Help You

Thankfully, back pain is easily diagnosed and treated, especially with a professional and experienced medical team. Stumpff Chiropractic has a range of tools available to help alleviate, treat, and eliminate back pain.  

Sometimes, your customized treatment plan will include just one treatment, while other patients require a combination of several. Possible treatments include:

Unlike other medical treatments, chiropractic care is non-invasive and focuses on treating back pain quickly. At Stumpff Chiropractic, our team is dedicated to providing short-term pain relief to get you back to your daily activities as soon as possible.  

Graston Instrument at Plantation | Stumpff Chiropractic

Meet Dr. Stumpff

Native to Florida, Dr. Strumpff is a board-certified licensed chiropractic physician. Honored with multiple prestigious awards, including The Clinical Excellence Award, Dr. Stumpff holds a Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College. Since graduation, Dr. Stumpff has continued his education in neurology and Kinesiology. 

An avid runner and soccer player, Dr. Stumpff enjoys spending time with his partner, Ellen, listening to new music, and experimenting with fresh cuisine in the kitchen.  


Back pain treatment in Plantation doesn’t have to be complicated. Find a trusted, professional, and proven chiropractor that will help you get back to doing the activities you love. For an initial appointment, reach out to the caring team at Stumpff Chiropractic at (954) 368-4054.

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Our experienced chiropractors are here to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.
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  • Mon, Tues, Wed
    9:00 am - 1:00 pm
    3:00 pm - 6:30 pm
  • Thursday
    8:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • Friday
    9:00 am - 1:00 pm
    3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
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